In Indonesia, there are many who export shrimp to the international market, do you also want to know about shrimp exports? you should listen to some important articles about shrimp before starting a business, so as not to make a mistake. Now shrimp is the prima donna in the field of export abroad, the most popular shrimp in Indonesia is vaname shrimp. One of the important information is about what diseases or viruses that attack shrimp and what are their characteristics.
Not only causing shrimp health problems, but shrimp that are exposed to viruses or diseases are also one of the causes of decreased shrimp production. One of the factors that cause shrimp to be exposed to viruses is their environment, then what are the viruses or diseases that can attack shrimp? see the following information
1. Vibriosis
Vibriosisis a type of bacteria that is grouped into Marine Bacteria. Marine Bacteria where their habitat is in the marine environment, namely sea salt water, ocean or brackish water. This disease usually attacks shrimp, clams and fish. Vibriosis disease is one of the reasons for the many deaths in shrimp ponds around the world. Vibriosis mortality usually occurs when shrimp are under stress due to several factors such as unhealthy / poor pond water, dense population, high water temperature, low dissolved oxygen, too little water exchange.
2. Vibrio Harveyi
Vibrio Harveyi namely salt-negative marine bacteria. This form of Vibrio Harveyi is rod, motile, facultative anaerobe, halophilic, and competent for fermentative and respiratory metabolism.
Kingdom : Prokaryotes
Division : Bacteria
Order : Eubacteriales
Family : Vibrionaceae
Genus : Vibrio
Species : Vibrio Harveyi
Vibrio Harveyi has its morphology and physiology as follows: the shape of the colony is round, the elevation is convex, the color is cream and the diameter is 2 – 3 mm on SCW-agar media. Bacteria are gram negative, single cells are rods that are short and bent or straight, motile, oxidase positive, etc.
3. Infectious Myonecrosis Virus – IMNV
It is a type of stranded RNA virus. It is classified in the family Totiviridae, has the characteristics of an icosahedral particle shape and has a diameter of ± 40 mm.
4. White Spot Virus (White Spot Syndrome Virus)
This virus is a viral infection in Penaeid shrimp. This disease is very dangerous because it is contagious and can cause death, this disease kills shrimp very quickly.
5. Infectious Hematopdietic & Hypodermal Necrotic Virus (IHHNV)
This Penaeid shrimp virus disease can cause mass mortality among blue shrimp and severe deformation in white pacific shrimp. This virus occurs in Pacific and wild shrimp, but not in wild shrimp on the Atlantic coast of America.
6. Taura Syndrome Virus (TSV)
This disease is one of the obstacles for vaname shrimp cultivation. This viral infection can cause death in shrimp ± 80-85%.
7. Microbrachium Rossenbergii Stain Virus (MRNV)
This disease causes a white tail clinical signs: muscle necrosis occurs starting in the tail. Diagnosis of disease: based on clinical symptoms, PCR Virus has attacked giant prawn cultivation in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, causing mass death of shrimp in rearing ponds.
From some of the Viruses and Diseases above, have you ever heard of it? Actually there are more than 7 viruses and diseases that attack shrimp, but maybe the information above will add to your knowledge about shrimp.
Also check out other articles on EKShrimp, you can see how to choose fresh shrimp, types of shrimp that are popular in Indonesia, health benefits of shrimp, facts about shrimp and much more.
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