Are you a shrimp farmer? can you make sure your prawns are healthy? Caring for shrimp is not only by feeding and draining the pond, but you must know whether your shrimp are healthy or even sick? treat shrimp like pets even if it is intended to be marketed / sold. Give healthy feed, give him supplements, provide good water quality, routine monitoring outside of feeding and also giving probiotics. That way the shrimp will grow healthily, the purpose and benefits of which are to make the shrimp grow and grow quickly and healthily, so that consumers are very trusted and there is no doubt about the freshness of the shrimp that we have.
Then what are the characteristics of shrimp that are affected by the disease? Let's understand!
1. Decreased Appetite
If the shrimp is affected by the disease, it is just like humans whose appetite has decreased. Some even lose their appetite, causing the shrimp to have an empty stomach. So pay attention to whether the stomach of the shrimp you are cultivating is empty.
2. Shrimp become passive
Shrimp that lose their appetite or don't even eat, the shrimp will feel weak and become passive. Even so weak he would not move his tail. Please pay attention to the shrimp tail whether the tail is blooming or not, if not then your shrimp could be infected with the disease.
3. Shrimp has pale body
Just like humans, if they get sick they will look pale. The color of the shrimp will fade when it is exposed to disease, and this will make the shrimp look pale. There are even some diseases that cause the shrimp skin to harden and the muscle tissue in the shrimp to turn a cloudy white color.
4. Have slow movement
Try to check whether your shrimp moves slowly and does not avoid when he is exposed to light, and also check whether his eyes are pale, if there are symptoms like that then do an examination immediately.
5. There is shrimp droppings in the form of white threads
The white thread on the shrimp is shrimp droppings. If there are white threads next to the shrimp or even around the shrimp, then you can be sure that the shrimp is infected with white feces. Stool is white because this disease attacks the digestive system in shrimp and can be deadly.
There are several other characteristics that may indicate that a shrimp is infected with a virus, such as shrimp droppings that are not the usual color, blurry eye sockets, and puffy/swollen eyes in young shrimp.
Do not take it for granted if there are shrimp that have symptoms like the one above, even if only one shrimp, because it could be a disease or a virus that attacks it can be contagious and even deadly. Please check more shrimp that have the characteristics as above.
Also check out other articles on EKShrimp, you can see how to choose fresh shrimp, types of shrimp that are popular in Indonesia, health benefits of shrimp, facts about shrimp and much more.
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